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Jenn Holderle

SuperStar Director

My Story


My name is Jenn Holderle, I am a Midwestern, Boston Terrier loving , Jeep driving, lover of all things smell-good gal!

This is Why I choose Scentsy!

I have always loved fragrance and everything that smells good! When my husband and I bought our house I couldn't wait to fill it with all of my favorite high-end, mall store candles! Fast forward a few months after we moved in, I will NEVER forget this moment; We were driving home from a family celebration when I realized I had left a candle burning in the bathroom! One of those gut wrenching, life changing moment FOR SURE! I was imagining the worst house fire possible! We came home and everything was fine, the house was safe, the pups were sleeping sound, the candle still BURNING AWAY! It was then that I realized how lucky we were and how unsafe candles are. Smoke, Open Flames & Soot are not things that I wanted in our new home!

So now what? How am I going to keep our home smelling amazing in a safe, affordable way? I had heard of Scentsy but never tried it, I went to the website and searched for a consultant and low and behold my neighbor was one! She gave me my first warmer and wax bar and I instantly fell in love! I inquired about becoming a consultant and contemplated over it for about a year before I finally decided to give it a shot, why not I loved the products if anything I’ll just buy for myself!

Now it’s 10 years later and I’m amazed at what this little bar of wax has become and the opportunities it has brought to our life! My only regret is that I didn't start sooner! I love helping my friends host parties to earn their Scentsy Wish-Lists for FREE!

BUT… it's so much more than warmers & wax! I have an amazing team Tribe Wickless and I am honored to be their Director. I love seeing them reach and smash goals and earn extra income for their families! We have a ton of fun together! I never thought I would form so many friendships with such amazing peeps all oer the world, that’s right…Tribe Wickless has team members all around the World! We keep in constant contact, coach and mentor via our Facebook Team Page! Tribe Wickless has grown to 134 members and WE WANT YOU!

Do you earn Raises, bonuses and FREE vacations at your job? WE DO WITH SCENTSY! I actually pursued my Scentsy dreams full-time in January 2016 and was able to quit my "real job" Scentsy was not only surpassing my previous income, I was also earning bonuses and FREE VACATIONS for my husband and myself! We have earned an all expenses Caribbean Cruise, vacation to DisneyWorld and this June we went on the trip of a lifetime, a South African Safari with Scentsy!
We also have a yearly Scentsy convention, a.k.a. Scentsy Family Reunion for all consultants to attend if they chooses to. This year it was in Kansas City, MO I was honored to receive recognition for achieving the Annual Mentor award for the 2nd year and the Annual Sales award for the 4th year in a row! Team Tribe Wickless even surprised me and nominated me for the 2017 Alice Kalilimoku Shining Star Award! This award is given to one Scentsy Consultant per Region who contributes the most to fulfilling the Scentsy mission* and/or who best exemplifies the values we strive to represent — Simplicity, Authenticity and Generosity.

Are you ready to get started on you Scentsy adventure? The Scentsy Starter Kit is FULL of products, marketing materials and so much more to help you start your business off quick! If you have any questions you can find all the answers here. When you are ready to join Scentsy, simply go to my site and click “Join Scentsy” on the left side to follow the online instructions -

It's that simple. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call me, I'm here to help you succeed!!


Thank you for reading my Scentsy story.

Awards & Trips I’ve Earned – I’ll keep a list here so I don’t forget!

-Scentsational Start Level 2 Award
-Scentsational Restart Level 3 Award
-5 Time Annual Mentor Award Earner
-7 Time Annual Sales Excellence Award Earner
-2015 Caribbean Cruise Incentive Trip Earner
-2016 Disney World Incentive Trip Earner
-2017 New York City Leadership Retreat Earner
-2017 Global Top 100 South Africa Incentive Trip Earner
-2017 Alice Kalilimoku Shining Star Nominee
-2018 Mediterranean Cruise Earner
-2019 Global Top 100 Reach for the Beach Earner - Cancun
-2019 Passport to Paradise Earner - Marco Island
-2019 Slingshot Incentive Earner - Global Top 50 Victoria British Columbia Incentive Trip






What's warming in my home